The Chief Ministry - CPC
Thank you for visiting the official website of The Chief Ministry and Ministry of Finance, Planning, Law & Order, Local Government and Provincial Administration, Manpower, Education and Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Land, Trade and Commerce, Food Supplies and Distribution, Investment Coordination and subjects which are not taken under any other Ministries of Central Provincial Council, Sri Lanka.
Provincial Councils were established as per the article 154a of the 13th amendment to the constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of 1978.
The Parliament has approved the Provincial Council Act no 42 of 1987 in order to maintain the works of those provincial councils. According to the 154e provision of the 13th amendment to the constitution, provisions have been made as to how the cabinet is to be conducted by the Provincial Chief Minister and the other four Ministers.
Hence this ministry functions as The Chief Ministry and Provincial Ministry of Finance & Planning, Law & Order, Local Government and Provincial Administration, Manpower, Education and Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Land, Trade and Commerce, Food Supplies and Distribution, Investment Coordination and Portfolios which are not taken under any other Ministries.
Our Vision
Prosperous Medarata by good governance with knowledgeable and valued citizens...
Our Mission
To develop education in a qualitative and quantitative manner, develop an effective and efficient local government structure which ensures the satisfaction of the people through good governance, to manage state owned lands, to create a cultural environment which safeguards the identity of all ethnicities, to provide engineering designs incorporating latest technological knowledge, to enhance cooperative investment through development of the cooperative movement, and to protect consumer rights in a competitive market in order to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the Central Province
Notice Board
News and Events
Inviting applications for the posts of Zonal Education Director in the Regional Education Regions of Matale, Galewela, Nuwara Eliya, Naula and Haguranketha Education Zones of the Central Provincial Education Department.
Application form: Sinhala | Tamil
Marking Scheme: Sinhala
Applications are invited for recruitment to the post of Early Childhood Development Instructor (Preschool Teacher)
Information about the Degree (Eligibility/Approved Vacancy List)
Sinhala | Tamil | English
Information about the Practical test
Sinhala | Tamil | English
Public Day Guidelines
List of Guidelines for the teachers and officers of the Department of Education visiting the Chief Ministry and Ministry of Education Ministry on Monday which is the Public Day
Sinhala | Tamil | English
Zonal Director of Education - Nuwaraeliya
Calling for applications for the post of Zonal Director of Education in the Nuwaraeliya Education Zones of the Central Provincial Education Department
Application & Info. | Marking Scheme
Additional Director of Education - Dept. of Education
Calling for applications for the post of Additional Director of Education of the Central Provincial Department of Education.
Application | Marking Scheme | Convening Letter
Early Childhood Development Support Counselor
Applications are invited for the posts of Early childhood development assistant consultant (female) and Daycare Center Supervisor (female).
Annual transfer procedure of the Sri Lanka Principals' Service
Annual transfer procedure for officers of the Sri Lanka Principals Service attached to the Central Provincial Council.
Additional Director of Education - Dept. of Education
Calling for applications for the post of Additional Director of Education of the Central Provincial Department of Education.
Notice, Information and Application
Zonal Director of Education - Naula and Denuwara
Calling for applications for the post of Zonal Director of Education in the Denuwara and Naula Education Zones of the Central Provincial Education Department
Application & Info. Sinhala/Tamil | Marking Scheme
Zonal Director of Education - Gampola and Wilgamuwa
Calling for applications for the post of Zonal Director of Education in the Gampola and Wilgamuwa Education Zones of the Central Provincial Education Department
Notice & Information | Application | Marking Scheme
Tourist Bungalow Reservation
Reservation of the Nuwara Eliya Tourist Bungalow that is under the Chief Ministry of Central Provincial Council
Information | Application Form
Recruitment of Graduate Teachers
Recruitment of Graduate Teachers for teacher vacancies of schools controlled under the Central Provincial Council - 2023 (Phase II)
The interview and practical examination of the above recruitment will be held at the Gurudeniya Educational Development Research and Training Center from 2024.05.30, 2024.05.31 and 2024.06.01
To be eligible for the above post, the applicants must pass the the Open Competitive Examination held on 2024.04.20. The list of selected applicants and calling letter can be downloaded below.
Convening Letter | List of Qualified Applicants for the Interviews
Final Marks Sheets
The list below contains the total marks of all the candidates who participated in the interviews for the above recruitment program. (The candidates who were selected for a teaching appointment have already been informed by the Chief Ministry and the Ministry of Education.)
Eeligible Candidates
The List of candidates eligible for appointment on June 19, 2024, based on merit in a written examination and interview.
Recruitment of Graduate Teachers - 2023 (Phase I and II)
The interview and practical examination of the above recruitment will be held at the Gurudeniya Educational Development Research and Training Center on 2024.07.24. To be eligible for the above post, the applicants must have passed the the Open Competitive Examinations that were held on 2024.03.16 and 2024.04.20 The list of selected applicants and calling letter can be downloaded below.
The interview and practical examination for the above recruitment will be held at the Gurudeniya Educational Development Research and Training Center on 2024.07.25 & 8.00 am onward.
To be eligible for the above post, the applicants who could not attend the interview date on 24.07.2024 must have passed the Open Competitive Examinations that were held on 2024.03.16 and 2024.04.20. The list of selected applicants and calling letter can be downloaded above.
Recruitment of Graduates for Teaching Vacancies
Recruitment of graduates for teaching vacancies in national and provincial schools in the island due to retirement, resignation and abandonment of service
Candidates who qualified in the interview and practical tests held on 2024.07.24 and 2024.07.25, will be recruited from those who passed the examination conducted by the Public Service Commission on 2024.03.16 and 2024.04.20, for the recruitment of graduate teachers in the subjects covered by the examination.
The teacher appointment award ceremony for the applicants who qualified in the interview and practical test held on 24.07.2024 and 25.07.2024 will be held on 26.07.2024 at the Central Provincial Council Auditorium at 9.30 a.m. and at the Central Provincial Transport Service Authority Auditorium (at 11.30am).
Hon. Minister
The Chief Minister of Central Province
Mrs. Madupani Piyasena
The Secretary, Chief Ministry
Departments & Institutions
Department of Sports

Library Services Board